March 10, 2022
Podcast Highlights the Roles Nurses Play at Insurance Companies
Latest “Under the Coverage” episode shares insights on the roles nurses play at insurance companies
Nurses bring skill, compassion, and commitment to their role – whether they’re in a medical office, a hospital, or an insurance company. Learn why you might benefit from talking to one during this week’s podcast, “Nurse Chat.”
In this week’s episode of “Under the Coverage,” Nova’s director of health plan performance management, also a former practicing nurse, discusses the many experts available at your insurance company to help guide you through your health care journey. This includes registered nurse case managers. These case managers not only have a clinical background, but by the nature of their role have access to claims and medical quality data that can be immensely valuable in counseling members. Not to mention they can provide emotional support in stressful health situations.
“Not only can you get some of that coaching and counseling from your case manager; they can also help direct you to different community supports that you may not know are available to you,” offers this week’s guest.
Stream this week’s episode to learn more!
How to Listen
New episodes are added weekly and are available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music and TuneIn. NEW: You can now also listen via digital assistants like Alexa, Google and Cortana. Just ask Alexa to, “play the Under the Coverage podcast on Apple Podcasts” (or wherever you get your podcasts).
Under the Coverage features people who spend their working days focused on health benefits and health care, sharing their insider tips on information they wish every health care consumer knew. Have an idea for a future episode or a question you’d like answered? Find Under the Coverage on Twitter @UndrTheCoverage or email